Thursday, April 30, 2009

** Duke Gardens **

My mom and I ventured out to Duke Gardens a couple of weeks ago to take some photos of the kids in their Easter clothes. Afterwards, we needed even more exercise and went to the Streets at Southpoint to chase the boys around the clothes racks. I don't know who was more tired afterwards - the kids or the adults.
I did a "painting" technique on the second photo of all three kids. Which do you like best?
BTW, don't you just love Miss Ella's dimples??

** Easter Sunday **

Where have I been for almost 2 months?? Facebook. Seriously. I have been posting most of my photos there. This is a photo of our family from Easter Sunday. Look familiar? That's because it is the EXACT same pose - just different clothes and porch swing - than our Sunday before Christmas photo! This time baby Ella is looking at all the people jumping up and down behind the camera trying to get all three kid's attention forward.