Wednesday, December 31, 2008

** Santa Photo **

This photo with Santa was taken at the Old Barn at the Biltmore house in Asheville. This was the first year that at least one child wasn't screaming! I take that back, last year neither boy screamed because they wouldn't get close enough to Santa! The only photos I have from last year are from each boy with their back facing the camera and at least 4 feet between them and the Jolly Fellow.

This year, Jeff and I had to sit with them, but that's ok. It was so sweet to be right beside JB and hear him repeat "Racecar, Racecar, Racecar..." If he said it once, he said it a hundred times in the few minutes we spent with Santa. :-) Jackson let Santa know that he wanted "The Marble Game." Ever heard of the marble game? Neither had we. Santa pulled thru though and brought Jackson exactly what he wanted. And of course JB got lots of racecars!

** Merry Christmas from the Abercrombies **

We took this after church the Sunday before Christmas when we were all dressed up and not yet too tired. Mr. JB wasn't cooperative at first until I let him help me push the button for the self-timer. Oh yeah, he AND his brother absolutely HAD to hold their Polar Express Trains or the photo was NOT going to happen. More on the P.E. later.

Below is the front of our 2008 Christmas Card.

** Thanksgiving Hayride **

My husband's family took a Thanksgiving Day Hayride. The rain held back so we were able to enjoy a long ride with Hot Cocoa and treats half way thru the ride. Miss Ella stayed back at the house with Jeff's mom. It was a little too cold and damp for the two ladies.

** Flash -N- Dash **

My son Jackson does NOT like to have his picture taken. Actually, it is not so much he doesn't like to have pictures taken, he just doesn't like to sit still for more than 2 seconds. So, if you don't get the photo the first time, you better have some good photoshop skills. See below.

** Happy BELATED Thanksgiving **

Once again, I had trouble logging into my blog. It's been a while, so I have LOTS to post. Below is a photo of Grandma with all 5 grandkids. Can you tell Miss Ella is sticking out her tongue? Already a little prankster!

We had A LOT to be THANKFUL for this year! The ecomony is rough but lots of hugs and kisses from our loved ones sure makes things better!